Saturday, February 5, 2011

The shocking death rate.

Deaths from Smoking: 
440,000 annual deaths each year are smoking-associated
Death rate extrapolations for USA for Smoking: 
440,000 per year, 36,666 per month, 8,461 per week, 1,205 per day, 50 per hour, 0 per minute, 0 per second. Note: this automatic extrapolation calculation uses the deaths statistic: 440,000 annual deaths each year are smoking-associated (CDC)
Deaths information for Smoking: 
An estimated 400,000 deaths each year are caused directly by cigarette smoking.
Average life years lost from Smoking: 
12 years
Life years lost from Smoking: 
Smoking doesn't just cut a few months off the end of your life. It reduces the life of the average smoker by 12 years. 

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