Sunday, September 4, 2011

Smoking may shorten penis almost a centimeter

Furthermore do all that which leaves you as well and he so much likes, aprovech privacy and subtle and sensual, so these revelale data on their intimate parts. Another option: Please an erotic to see how much you know about “his friend” test. Know you well? If not, play to the teacher and the student and ense?ale.

1 – Smoking may shorten them penis almost a centimeter. The equation is simple: the better circulates blood, better is the erection. Cigarette, calcifying the blood vessels, stifles erectile capacity and there! resultado… view One more reason to convince him to stop smoking.

You know that the average male orgasm lasts for 6 seconds and our 23? In theory, just would be for each of our orgasm, they should have 4. One of the few cases where we should not fight for the igualdad…

3 – In order to not be afraid you or you do too many illusions, you warn: there are two types of penises. The first is that “grow” much when they get an erection. Others, are those who always seem big, but at the time of sex is “lengthen” less and the difference between both States is not as noticeable.

4 – With regard to the above, according to a survey conducted by Men′s, 79% of men has the first type of penis and 21% other.

5 – In today’s doctors regenerate skin for grafting in burnt patients using circumcised boys prepuce. A foreskin can produce up to 23,000 square metres.

6 – An enlarged prostate can cause erectile dysfunction as premature ejaculation. If time this happens to your partner, and not found an apparent cause, recomendale which a check is made. In addition, tené into account which of the 50 years, has to be a mandatory annual control. It is ugly, we know that, perhaps if acompa?ás it feel better.

7 – The circumcised foreskin can be reconstructed. Mobile skin on the shaft of the penis is pushed towards the tip and located in place with a Ribbon. Then to fix it doctors apply plastic rings or other add-ons. It may take years, but eventually get there are no traces of circumcision. Do I need so much suffering?

8 – It is estimated that only one man 400 is flexible enough to autopracticarse oral sex. What is clear is that all they put it into practice. Will it do better than us?

9 – This us sounds weird: a group of German researchers claimed that the average penetration lasts for 2 minutes and 50 seconds. However, it seems that women perceive it differently and we feel as if it had lasted for 5 minutes and 30 seconds. Mmmm….

10 – Men that seem cute have the strongest sperm. Spanish team showed a group of women pictures of men had good sperm, men with normal semen photos and pictures of men with low-quality sperm. Without knowing this fact, they should choose that, at its discretion, considered more good waiters. In general, women chose the best producers of semen beyond physical appearance. Survival instinct?

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