Saturday, February 26, 2011

Suggestions please

Hi readers, 
Please mail us your suggestions and facts about smoking which we have not posted yet, to . Each and every mail you sent will be taken seriously. Thanking you in advance. 

Monday, February 7, 2011

Some numbers about smoking.

25% of Americans smoke, and 70% of them would like to quit. 30% of them try to quit in any given year. About 2.5% succeed in a given year (this is all comers, whether they try and get help at all or not). Eventually, 50% of all smokers quit.

The percentage of smokers fell quite a bit with initial public education attempts in the 70's and 80's. In 1965, 52% of men and 34% of women were smokers. By 1991, these percentages were 28% for men and 24% for women. The numbers are not falling as quickly now.

Smoking costs are estimated at $50 billion dollars per year. To cover these costs, the taxes on a pack of cigarettes should be about $4.

3000 teenagers start smoking every day.

The medical costs of smoking are $50 billion dollars each year. If you add the lost productivity, the costs rise to $97 billion dollars per year.

But I've smoked so long . . . why bother quitting now?

Because the benefits begin IMMEDIATELY.
In 20 Minutes:
Blood Pressure and Pulse return to normal
Temperature of hands and feet returns to normal
In 8 Hours
Carbon Monoxide levels are already back to normal
In 24 Hours:
Your chance of Heart Attack has already decreased significantly
In 48 Hours
Smell and taste return toward normal
Walking becomes easier
In 2 Weeks - 3 Months
Circulation improves
Lung function can increase up to 30%
In 1 - 9 Months
Coughing, sinus congestion and shortness of breath decrease
Cilia regrow in lungs, increasing the ability of the lungs to resist infection
In 1 Year
Your risk of heart disease is one-half of what it was one year ago.

You see, it really does not matter how long you've smoked. These are reliable changes which you will enjoy.

Smoking ban forces more drivers to light up

The smoking ban will made more smokers light up in their cars - that's according to a survey carried out by Auto Trader.
Almost half of those surveyed said the ban on smoking in enclosed public places in England, would make them more likely to smoke in their vehicles.
Three quarters of smokers questioned said they wouldn't stop smoking in their cars, even if it meant the resale value would be affected.
But almost 60 per cent said they would be less likely to buy a car which had been previously owned by a smoker.
The Government's campaign has had some success - the survey revealed more than 80 per cent of motorists were already aware the ban also applied to commercial vehicles.

Some facts:

90% of lung cancer cases are caused by smoking.
30% of all cancer fatalities are caused by smoking.
Lung cancer is the most common cancer associated with cigarette smoking but you can also get cancer of the mouth, bladder, kidney, stomach, esophagus, larynx and pancreas. Some of these cancers can be treated and others are 100% fatal.
Cancer isn't the only disease that smoking causes - either directly or indirectly. 75% of all fatal cases of emphysema and bronchitis are linked to smoking. Both of these diseases cause extreme breathing difficulties and emphysema in particular is an extremely nasty disease as your ability to breathe on your own slowly vanishes.
Smokers have dramatically shorter lives than non-smokers. On average a smoker will die 15 - 20 years before a non-smoker. This is truly shocking when you think about it. That's 7,300 days deducted from your lifespan. Look at what you can achieve in a single day and then imagine what you might be able to achieve in over 7,000 days.
This is proof that continued exposure to the toxic substances found in cigarettes and cigars simply isn't good for you - no matter what tobacco companies might say. Smoking will kill you younger.

Why Smoking Makes You Happy?

When a smoker inhales a single "shot" of nicotine from a cigarette the lungs allow the nicotine to pass into the blood stream almost instantly. The smoker then feels the "hit" from the nicotine in their bloodstream and this is the sensation that they crave later on. Don't just assume that you're inhaling "pure" tobacco smoke either. That cigarette you're smoking contains up to 4,000 separate chemicals - many of which are extremely toxic.
That smoke you inhale from a cigarette contains 43 carcinogenic substances. These are substances which have been clinically proven to cause various types of cancer. Cigarette smoke also contains 400 other toxins that can be found in rat poison, nail polish remover and various types of wood varnish. Would you willingly eat any of these products? Of course not because you know that they're incredibly bad for you. As these carcinogens and toxins gather in the body they begin to cause serious problems for the heart and lungs.
Of all the diseases associated with smoking cancer is the most common. Cancer is a relatively new disease that has really only become prevalent since the beginning of the industrial revolution. In effect cancer is a manmade disease for which there is, as of yet, no cure.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

A Question For Smokers: Would You Drink Ammonia?

This is scary: Did you know that there are chemicals added to cigarettes which increase the speed at which nicotine reaches your brain? One example is ammonia. The organic chemists of the tobacco industry knew that nicotine made a person feel a lot better if it was quickly delivered to the brain.
After spending millions of dollars experimenting on animals, they came up with the idea of using ammonia, which prevents the filter from removing as much nicotine as filters without ammonia do. Therefore, smokers tend to puff harder and longer, giving their brain a higher dose with each puff taken.
The addition of ammonia represented a very important breakthrough for the tobacco industry because it allowed smokers to receive very high levels of nicotine, which increased the addiction rate.
Ammonia is one of the main reasons that your first cigarette of the day is so enjoyable. Your brain went without nicotine while you were asleep, so it wants some right away.
That first puff rapidly delivers a large amount of nicotine because of the added ammonia to your brain in seven seconds. It’s like drinking a whole glass of water when you are really thirsty. It just gets soaked right up.
Do not think that it is not possible for you to quit smoking cigarettes but it is true that there are many chain smokers, who have quit smoking. The only thing one needs to quit smoking is the determination and once you achieve your goal then you will feel happy and happy.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Death statistics for Smoking.

The following are statistics from various sources about deaths and Smoking:
  • Death rate is 2-3 times higher than non-smokers
  • Estimated to cause 10 million deaths per year worldwide by 2020 (WHO Web Site)
  • 1.2 million deaths in Europe (The European Heart Network)
  • 45,000 African American deaths each year in America (CBCF Health Organisation, 2004)
  • 1.2 million deaths from smoking in Europe (The European Heart Network, 2000) 
  • 400,000 deaths annually in the US (Mayo Clinic)

The shocking death rate.

Deaths from Smoking: 
440,000 annual deaths each year are smoking-associated
Death rate extrapolations for USA for Smoking: 
440,000 per year, 36,666 per month, 8,461 per week, 1,205 per day, 50 per hour, 0 per minute, 0 per second. Note: this automatic extrapolation calculation uses the deaths statistic: 440,000 annual deaths each year are smoking-associated (CDC)
Deaths information for Smoking: 
An estimated 400,000 deaths each year are caused directly by cigarette smoking.
Average life years lost from Smoking: 
12 years
Life years lost from Smoking: 
Smoking doesn't just cut a few months off the end of your life. It reduces the life of the average smoker by 12 years.